Tuesday, July 31, 2018

A few more items added

A few new papers plus a Piglet sticker!!

Don't forget to check our eBay shop regularly for items newly added!

Click here.

Friday, July 27, 2018

Deco Foil by Therm-o-Web

We have free shipping* on Deco Foil tubes when you buy $35 at one time!!

Select which color you want, click on "ADD TO CART" (Not "Buy It Now") and when you get to $35 in deco foil tubes, the shipping will be free!*

*US and its territories only. Yes, Puerto Rico, Guam and others, you can get free shipping too! *Ü*

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Are you shopping for Halloween crafting items?

We've seen a huge uptick in sales on Halloween items in our eBay shop!!

Lots of folks are starting on their Halloween cards. 

What are you currently working on?

Here are just a few items in our shop for Halloween or lend themselves to Halloween crafts: