I have made a few changes - none of which are huge, but you might notice them...
First, you'll see here that I changed the blog style - new fonts, new background, and more of a focus on posts.
Second, now when you go to www.CoolScrapbookStuff.com, you will go directly here, to the blog, instead of having to then click over to the blog.
Don't forget, on the blog, you can search for anything in the seach box to the right. You can also click on the labels to the right to find posts about those items.
From the top of the blog, you can still go to all of the additional pages and shopping areas that we offer.
I've changed email providers, and if you haven't opened an email in a while, your email address was not added to the new service.
I would also like to encourage all of you to sign up for the posts on the blog. You can look at our history - we only post 2-4 times per month. But this will give you more information.
Also, if you are on Facebook, that is where the most posts are. Definitely click on "Follow" on our Facebook page for the most information.
CHA (our big trade show) is coming up this weekend, and YES, I'll be going! It will be so different not shopping to fill a big store, but I'll still pick up some goodies for you guys!